Sunday, May 22, 2011

long overdue

I've been off the blog scene for quite a bit. With working full time and preparing for that dear hubs of mine to leave for a long deployment, life got busy. For the months leading up to Paul's deployment, I wanted to dedicate every single second to my husband and living our life (and completing house projects!). The blog got kicked to the curb.

But, I missed chronicling our life and house projects, and I missed  you, my blog friends. So, here I am. Truth be told, I actually had many people asked why I stopped blogging. The idea that people actually read this and wanted me to continue was a very happy surprise.

It's been a few weeks since Paul left for deployment and I am back to acting as a "single" mom to my adorable pups. The responsibility of caring for the the house, yard, and life are left for me. And, to be honest, I don't really mind. I actually like having everything in my control- it's the type A in me. But, Paul leaving wasn't all sunshine and roses. I spent the first two days of deployment a little weepy and on edge. Being separated from my husband for over half a year is a daunting idea to carry around.

On day three I woke and said myself, "Trish, you have to get through these next seven plus months whether you want to or not, you may as well live and enjoy this time." Since then, I ended the one person pity party, pulled on my big girl panties, and have faced deployment with a positive attitude. With the school year coming to an end, lots of girlfriends, and an upcoming two week European vacation (more on that later), life is pretty darn good.

I look forward to sharing my life and house with you again, and hope you'll stick around to read about it!


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